Concept Ambulatory Railway Trackdiagnostics
The train that takes care of its own track.
Imagine that trains could take over the often dangerous and time-consuming work of checking the tracks while running on it.
The challenge
The operational safety of track railway systems must be checked at regular intervals by rail operators to initiate maintenance or replacement in good time. A steady increase in train frequencies and the ever more difficult recruitment of personnel to take on this demanding and dangerous work makes this task increasingly burdensome and expensive for operators.
The solution
A train equipped with Rocket Science's Ambulatory Railway Trackdiagnostics continually checks the condition of the track. Rocket Science makes use of the fact that a "healthy" track system produces a specific sound when the train runs on it. Worn ballast, broken sleepers, loose fasteners, and defective rails are "heard" by the system long before a critical condition occurs. Therefore, maintenance work can be planned in a more efficient, safe, and specific way.
Would automating track maintenance help your company? Get in touch with us.